Custom NPC is a modification for Minecraft 1.20.5 that adds Non Player Characters of your choice inside your Minecraft world. This mod is directly aimed for helping creation of custom survival/adventure maps. It lets you add fully customizable units, you can set dialogs, skins, items, armor, attack rate and anything you could do with your character. Custom NPC supports multiplayer as well, you can populate your entire server within minutes. The latest version is; Custom NPCs 1.8.9/1.8/1.9.4 and 1.7.10.
Last Updated on 22nd February 2016
by Noppes – Last updated 13th May, 2015
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View Comments
Yo I love this mod! but I just downloaded it and went to make a custom skin for it. I'm fairly sure that I can make every model work out but the elf male/female. I tried making a skin in paint (like i always do) and leaving it with the human male, but when I have the elf male use the skin its entire head turns black or white. I've also tried editing the preexisting skins and it does the same thing, and well as even though all the dimensions are the same. I'm seriously going to freak out. What's wrong with it? Could I get some help here?
Don't use paint. It puts nothing in your 'hood/hat' texture. I use
Whoops, I mean: It puts WHITE in the texture.
Yes you can, I just did. There are tutorials an youtube that tell you how to on a mac
Where? T_T I need to know, I only have a mac ('cause my father works for Apple©, any non- macs are banned from the household.
Get windows computer, Or if your mac has intel based cores, get a windows disc and use it on your mac. I prefer windows 7 over 8.
could make an impression on
Hey can you make this so we can play multiplayer with friends?
When I try to use a custom skin and upload it it just says acess denied?
We need this updated... Pronto!!!!!
nice mod ;)
how do I make my npcs hostile?
Modular powersuits armor won't show on NPCs
I am going to try